Suit 2 Show

FREE 8 week Muay Thai white collar course

Our Mission

Transform your mind and your body...

In this course our key aim is to help you develop yourself physically and mentally. We want to teach you key skills that not only develop your fighting ability but can also be translated to everyday activities. If your ready to become a new version of yourself sign up using the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

About The Course

  • Free 8 week training
  • 2 sessions per week
  • Learn from world champion boxers
  • Future fighting opportunities with Last Round Live
  • Raise money for charity

Will be held ONLY in London!

(Must have shin guards, gumshield and gloves.)

Sign Up Now

Please enter your location into the message section along with any other questions you may have regarding the course and we will be in touch!



Hard Work
